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The new ssGooey

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:55 pm
by The Freezer
Here's a preview of what I've got so far. It's extremely stripped down to just some basics but hey, it was practically a freebie on my end ;)

Basically, just extract it to a removable media, for example, and run the ssGooey.exe (or set your 'autorun.ini for it).


Re: ssWPIv9 - Preview

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:32 pm
by -c0dez3ro-
what would be the folder setup for v9 to see te apz or im i missin something

Re: ssWPIv9 - Preview

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:23 pm
by The Freezer
-c0dez3ro- wrote:what would be the folder setup for v9 to see te apz or im i missin something

You're not missing anything. I've not implemented .apz support. Yet. :wtf:

There's a ton of other stuff missing or incomplete; but in the meantime, BP should be close to finishing his v8 mods (right, BP? :mrgreen: ) and we'll at last have a nice final/stable version of ssWPI while I'm working on porting it to AutoIt.

Re: ssWPIv9 - Preview

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:29 pm
by -c0dez3ro-
oh ok kool , cus i down loaded the new v9 and tried runnin it ,but no files showed up so i thought maybe if i put the files inside a folder and named it s2ssapps or s2ppapps then it would read it lol but nope .but now i know ,keep up the good work , and i will be testin out the new apps builder sometime today

Re: ssWPIv9 - Preview

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:18 am
by The Freezer
-c0dez3ro- wrote:oh ok kool , cus i down loaded the new v9 and tried runnin it ,but no files showed up so i thought maybe if i put the files inside a folder and named it s2ssapps or s2ppapps then it would read it lol but nope .but now i know ,keep up the good work , and i will be testin out the new apps builder sometime today

You're not confusing this with the SetupS2 tech Project, are you?

This is the old ssWPI designs. And right now before the application of .apz/.pgz as well. It looks for install apps/games in one of the following folders:
For Launcher-mode, it'll be inspecting these folders:
Yes, you see that correctly. ppApps are now launchable from ssWPI! ;-)

Re: ssWPIv9 - Preview

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:10 am
by -c0dez3ro-
i think i may be thinkin s2 tech project , ppApps are now launchable from ssWPI! ? does this mean they need to be unpacked from the apz file

p.s. i like the new layout

Re: ssWPIv9 - Preview

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:06 am
by The Freezer
-c0dez3ro- wrote:[...] ppApps are now launchable from ssWPI! ? does this mean they need to be unpacked from the apz file

Sort of. What it means is that they need installed first (via ssWPI or SetupS) into the respective 'ppApps' folder. From there you can copy that folder to a 'ppAppsLive' one -- for example on a CD/DVD or usb flash-drive -- not really necessary since ssWPI will also scan the 'ppApps' folder as well; but it can be handy. ;-)

-c0dez3ro- wrote:p.s. i like the new layout

Thanks. I've got a long ways to go to get it up to RON's standards though :lol:. For example, he'll want the ability to customize the 'theme' -- here we'll call it 'skin' rather -- and that will be farther down the road yet. He'll also want it to do some of the advanced "pull-ahead" installs at the earliest stages of the OS install -- like T13 for NT5's, etc.

Re: ssWPI v9.11.1.11 - Preview

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:43 am
by The Freezer
Another update...

  • Merely added support for multiple categories with <Category> section.
See first post for link. Enjoy!

Re: ssWPIv9 - Preview

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:07 am
by -c0dez3ro-
i love to test this but im not sure where my apps in to be and how man folders deep , and where does sswpi9 need to be , and the folder names ,like ppapps ssapps

Re: ssWPIv9 - Preview

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:59 am
by The Freezer
-c0dez3ro- wrote:i love to test this but im not sure where my apps in to be and how man folders deep , and where does sswpi9 need to be , and the folder names ,like ppapps ssapps

You should be able to put ssWPIv9 anywhere you want. It's in a ppApp package, so I'd start there ... ;-)

As an Installer, it'll look for apps/games in one of the following folders:
In Launcher-mode, it'll be inspecting these folders:

Re: ssWPIv9 - Preview

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:26 am
by -c0dez3ro-
so i put my apps under c:\ppAppsInstalls and its seein them so sswpi needs to be 2 folders deep , atleast thats what im seein and im gettin some debug popups ill post pics later

Re: ssWPIv9 - Preview

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:57 pm
by The Freezer
-c0dez3ro- wrote:[...] and im gettin some debug popups ill post pics later

Ouch, did I get careless with these latest releases or what?

Re: ssWPIv9 - Preview

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:38 pm
by -c0dez3ro-

Re: ssWPI v9.11.1.12 - Preview

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:18 pm
by -c0dez3ro-
just wonderin something here the drives, startmenu, and pref are all locked out what the reason behide that

Re: ssWPI v9.11.1.12 - Preview

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:30 pm
by The Freezer
-c0dez3ro- wrote:just wonderin something here the drives, startmenu, and pref are all locked out what the reason behide that

Those features are not enabled because there is no code for them. ;-) If I left those enabled, I'm sure I'd hear alot of complaints: "that ain't workin'!" :lol:

This is just a preview version anyway. Not really meant for "everyday use".

Re: ssWPI v9.11.1.12 - Preview

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:39 pm
by -c0dez3ro-
oh ok just makin sure , i didnt wanna make a post sayin those dont work lol haha but great job , i installed 3 ppapps and 3 ssapp with no problem.

one thing i like to have if u dont have it already is the rite way to use the ( install font and reg dll and ocx ) area of the builder , u may have that info already

Re: ssWPI v9.11.1.12 - Preview

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:33 am
by The Freezer
I moved your question to the appropriate thread ;-)

Re: ssWPI v9.11.3.27 - Preview

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:37 pm
by The Freezer
I've decided to RENAME the ssTEK-ssWPI v9 to ssGooey v1 for several important reasons:

  • WPI stands for Windows Post (or Pre) Installer. But ssGooey will basically be a front-end for SetupS. It can also be used as a pp-launcher. And it'll not be exclusive to Windows either. ;)
    • The development parallels work being done on LastOS's RealBASIC version. The two apps were even sharing the same major version number! -- this is very confusing even to the developers :confused:
      • Though the two apps appear similar and ssGooey appears to be a fork of ssWPI, in actuality their goals are very DIFFERENT:
          • ssWPI has a rather long history already and is an on-going effort by a rather talented team at LastOS; whereas, ssGooey has been coded "from scratch" by yours truely from the already available core routines used by the SetupS project.
            • ssWPI is using the commercial RealStudio as its development platform ... ssGooey will be more in tune with the goals of open-source software by using the freeware AutoIt as its development platform instead.
              Note: the above two points make it clear that ssGooey is not a fork of ssWPI since they share no code (or even a development platform) in common with each other.
              • LastOS's ssWPI is geared more towards the OS-modder scene and as such carries with it a potentially unwanted and therefore, a possible association to Warez. ssGooey on the other hand will be aimed towards general end-users and IT professionals alike.
                • Finally, SetupS deserves to have a standalone front-end devoted to showcasing some of its best features.
              Hopefully, the renaming and re-versioning will help distinguish the two apps better :)

              Updated to v8.11.10.31 ... See first post for the goodies.


              Re: ssGooey v9.11.10.31 (Preview)

              Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:29 pm
              by The Freezer
              Couple of things:
                • I really like Trouba's "Template" iso -- it's well made, looks great, and suites my needs rather well. The only drawback is there's no easy way "modify" it or add apps/games, etc.
                  • ssWPI has come along very nicely as well. There is little chance ssGooey will ever look as good. For example, some of the screen-shots that look terrible on ssGooey look perfect on ssWPI. I also doubt I can add very much value to the ssWPI-project (even speed has greatly improved). Kudos to RON's and BP's efforts and what they've accomplished!!
                    On a side-note, I think one of the things that irked me the most about ssWPI was its use of a commercial non-free development platform. In other words, though ssWPI itself is open-source, its IDE was not. However, many would say neither is AutoIt -- though it IS non-commercial. Unfortunately, one of the problems with free closed-source is that there's no guarantee that it will stay free forever. Take for example, uTorrent, IcoFX, Hamachi, CCleaner, and WinAmp, among others.
                  So what I've decided to do next is to re-purpose the work I've already done on ssGooey towards facilitating the creation of these Apps-Disc/ISO's. Instead of installing apps or games it will "inject" the selected packages into the template ISO. Also, I want to add the ability to allow the user to change ssWPI's options within that ISO -- the "ssWPI_Options.ini" file. And even have it preset the Local DB with the included apps/games so that one can make use of the "UseDBLocal = Yes" setting. ;)

                  Re: The new ssGooey

                  Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:15 pm
                  by The Freezer
                  Well, I don't know what's up with ssWPI these days and there's been times I've needed a working Windows Post Installer. Also, communications about its ongoing progress or status have been all but non-existent ...

                  ... so I've decided to re-re-purpose ssGooey once again. This time the goal will be to have a Three-In-One app:

                  1. The traditional Windows Post Installer (WPI).
                  2. A ppLauncher (both ppApps and/or ppGames).
                  3. And the ISO-maker described above.
                  Highest priority will be getting part 1, the Installer, up and running. B-)

                  Re: The new ssGooey

                  Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:41 pm
                  by The Freezer
                  Updated ssGooey to check (and download from) an online source of apps as well as those available on a local drive.
