palulukon wrote:[font=Tahoma]T, you say
Win8 palatable to serious Desktop users
I've looked at 8, bleh, what would be the advantage of switching to 8? And doesn't micro have a history of releasing a new os too soon with too many bugs?[/font]
Well, the main complaint about Win8 amongst power users and desktop users was that the Metro interface seems to be forced upon them, plus the Start button and start menu we had all become accustomed to disappeared. So for those who want or need to use Win8 it will be a very welcome thing to have options like the one Classic Shell provides.
As for personally switching over to Win8, I doubt that will happen the day of its final release
But perhaps in time, when kinks have been worked out and enough customization is possible to make it function close to the manner in which Win7 functions. The nice thing about Win8 is going to be how optimized it is when compared to Win7. It does start up faster, runs faster, uses resources more efficiently than Win7. But if there are too many hurdles and annoyances concerning its use, I will not switch over to Win8 and stay with Win7.
I'd like to play with the new WAIK tools for Win8 and try to build a customized Win8 image with those (MS's own tools) and see what is possible with Win8. The interface part of it I'm sure can and will be modded by many people, so for that part I think we can get it pretty close to the way we like. So we'll see. But Win7 has been so good and solid that it'll be worth it to keep it up-to-date, regardless